Latest News from the C3L

C3LLO relaunch: Digital Campus with a new look

Participants in the part-time degree programs and continuing education courses can now expect a completely new look. 

Working together on projects, learning independently with videos, podcasts and texts and exchanging ideas with lecturers - the digital campus is the central platform for the educational programs of the C3L - Center for Lifelong Learning at the University of Oldenburg. Participants in the part-time degree programs and continuing education courses can now expect a completely new look.

In the digital learning world C3LLO, all courses, materials and dates can be accessed via a dashboard. This allows learning to be organized flexibly. Content can be acquired step by step via so-called learning paths.

In many C3L training courses, projects from the participants' professional practice are worked on together. With the technical and didactic relaunch, learning in a team is now even more convenient. Video connections are integrated.

The digital campus also allows participants to communicate with each other and exchange ideas with teachers, who provide feedback on assignments, for example. The mentors also support the participants on the online campus. The C3L team also offers technical support. No mobile app is required to use the browser-based learning environment.

On-site and online learning are closely linked at C3L. The specially developed learning environment has been used for this so-called blended learning since 2007. Since then, more than 2,000 modules from over 100 training programs have been implemented. There are currently around 5,600 users who will be able to log in with their existing access data from February 22.


Annabelle Jandrich, Tel. 0441 798-4643, E-Mail:



(Changed: 29 May 2024)  | 
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